Is there another way to do that with or without Perl? It works very slow with large amount of data, because it must be executed before inserting every single row. Column id is associated with sequence public.batch_sequence_id_seqĪnd for increment the sequence I use a perl procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.perl_increment(text) Sequence text DEFAULT 'AAAA0000'::text NOT NULL This procedure uses a table to store the sequence: CREATE TABLE batch_sequence RAISE NOTICE 'Error General - Posibles causas: No existe la tabla batch_sequence o no existe ningun registro en la misma'
UPDATE batch_sequence SET "sequence" = v_next_sequence WHERE id = 1 RAISE NOTICE 'Error - La siguiente secuencia generada devolvio null o vacio' SELECT perl_increment(v_sequence) INTO v_next_sequence RAISE NOTICE 'Error - No existe ningun registro en batch_sequence almacenado' SELECT "sequence" FROM batch_sequence WHERE id = 1 INTO v_sequence I have created this store procedure to do that but its too slow: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fn_batch_seq() 60-day money back guarantee.I want to create an alphanumeric sequence like this: AAAA0000 Easy deploying in your enterprise or organization. Combine Workbooks and WorkSheets Merge Tables based on key columns Split Data into Multiple Sheets Batch Convert xls, xlsx and PDF.ģ00 powerful features.Super Filter (save and apply filter schemes to other sheets) Advanced Sort by month/week/day, frequency and more Special Filter by bold, italic.Extract Text, Add Text, Remove by Position, Remove Space Create and Print Paging Subtotals Convert Between Cells Content and Comments.Exact Copy Multiple Cells without changing formula reference Auto Create References to Multiple Sheets Insert Bullets, Check Boxes and more.Select Duplicate or Unique Rows Select Blank Rows (all cells are empty) Super Find and Fuzzy Find in Many Workbooks Random Select.Merge Cells/Rows/Columns without losing Data Split Cells Content Combine Duplicate Rows/Columns.Super Formula Bar (easily edit multiple lines of text and formula) Reading Layout (easily read and edit large numbers of cells) Paste to Filtered Range.
Reuse: Quickly insert complex formulas, charts and anything that you have used before Encrypt Cells with password Create Mailing List and send emails.The Best Office Productivity Tools Kutools for Excel Solves Most of Your Problems, and Increases Your Productivity by At last, you can delete the contents of the helper column as you need. Then click OK button, you can see, the data has been sorted to your need.ħ. And then click OK, in the popped out Sort Warning dialog, please select Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately, see screenshot:Ħ. And click Sort button to open the Sort dialog, under Column section, choose Helper column name that you want to sort by, and use Values under Sort On section, and then select the sort order as you want, see screenshot:ĥ. And then sort the data by this new column, select the helper column you created, then click Data > Sort, and in the popped out prompt box, select Expand the selection, see screenshots:Ĥ. Then drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, see screenshot:ģ. Enter this formula =TEXT(A2, "#") into a blank cell besides your data, B2, for instance, see screenshot:Ģ. In Excel, you can create a formula helper column, and then sort the data by this new column, please do as following steps:ġ. Sort alphanumeric data with formula helper column Sort alphanumeric data with formula helper column Original data This article will provide a useful method that you can use to sort alphanumeric data in Excel so that you can achieve the results you want. But, your needed result like the last screenshot shown. If you have a list of data which are mixed with both numbers and text strings, when you sort this column data normally in Excel, all the pure numbers are sorted on top and the mixed text strings at bottom.